Could Alabama Get Hit With More Snow? (2025)

January is on track to deliver frigid temperatures, making it a month that Alabamians won't soon forget!

Could Alabama Get Hit With More Snow? (1)

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Now, our attention turns to another possible system that could bring cold conditions to the southern region between January 19 – 25.

NOAA 8-14 Day Temperature Outlook January 19 – 25

Alabama's Probability of Below Normal Temps

Far northwest corner – 60%-70%

Much of the state – 50-60%

Southern Alabama & Coast – 40-50%

Could Alabama Get Hit With More Snow?

If you enjoyed the snow day on Friday, January 10, you might be in store for some wintry weather. So don't pack away those winter coats and shovels just yet.

Will West Alabama See Snow?, Will it snow in Alabama, West Alabama Winter

James Spann, ABC 33/40, and Townsquare Media Tuscaloosa Chief Meteorologist, said, "The next shot of very cold air begins to move into the Deep South one week from today, and some global models are hinting at more "winter mischief" around January 20-21."

What Does This Mean?

Truthfully, winter weather is even harder to predict in the southern region. A slight shift in the track of a winter storm could change the entire outcome. Even a few degrees of difference can impact the forecasted wintry weather types, such as snow, sleet, and freezing rain.

However, I agree with Spannthat "there is skill at pattern recognition. Could the pattern produce another winter storm? Sure, but there is no way of knowing the details now."

The "probabilistic output from the European global model, showing the chance of one inch or snow or greater through the next couple of weeks for you," said Spann.

The Townsquare Media Weather Center will continue monitoring the possibility of winter weather for West Alabama. We are committed to providing timely updates to keep residents informed.

Mary K. – Weather Forecaster

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Could Alabama Get Hit With More Snow? (2025)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.