Nuzlocke Tracker | Pokémon Emerald Nuzlocke Guide (2024)

Emerald Encounters

A fun aspect of Nuzlocke runs is the variety of encounters forcing you to try out new Pokémon you've never used before. That is why it's important to know which Pokémon will be available during a run. We've compiled a list of every encounter for Pokémon Emerald so you can quickly see who you might want on your team!

Pokémon Emerald has 70 different encounter locations with 149 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!

3 Dragon Pokémon encounters

  • Altaria - Sky Pillar
  • Bagon - Meteor Falls
  • Rayquaza - Sky Pillar

3 Ice Pokémon encounters

  • Snorunt - Shoal Cave
  • Spheal - Shoal Cave
  • Regice - Route 105

4 Fighting Pokémon encounters

  • Machop - Jagged Pass and Fiery Path
  • Heracross - Safari Zone
  • Makuhita - Granite Cave and Victory Road
  • Hariyama - Victory Road

4 Ghost Pokémon encounters

  • Sableye - Granite Cave, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar and Victory Road
  • Shuppet - Route 121, Mt. Pyre and Route 123
  • Banette - Sky Pillar
  • Duskull - Mt. Pyre

7 Fire Pokémon encounters

  • Vulpix - Mt. Pyre
  • Cyndaquil - Littleroot Town
  • Slugma - Route 113 and Fiery Path
  • Houndour - Altering Cave and Safari Zone
  • Torchic - Starter
  • Numel - Route 112, Jagged Pass and Fiery Path
  • Torkoal - Fiery Path and Team Magma Hideout

8 Steel Pokémon encounters

  • Magnemite - New Mauville
  • Magneton - New Mauville
  • Skarmory - Route 113
  • Mawile - Cave of Origin and Victory Road
  • Aron - Granite Cave and Victory Road
  • Lairon - Victory Road
  • Beldum - Mossdeep City
  • Registeel - Route 120

8 Dark Pokémon encounters

  • Houndour - Altering Cave and Safari Zone
  • Poochyena - Route 101, Route 103, Route 102, Route 104, Petalburg Woods, Route 116, Route 110, Route 117, Route 120, Route 121 and Route 123
  • Mightyena - Route 120, Route 121 and Route 123
  • Nuzleaf - Route 114
  • Sableye - Granite Cave, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar and Victory Road
  • Carvanha - Route 118 and Route 119
  • Sharpedo - Route 103, Route 118, Route 122, Route 124, Mossdeep City, Route 125, Route 127, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 132, Route 133 and Route 134
  • Absol - Route 120

11 Electric Pokémon encounters

  • Pikachu - Safari Zone
  • Magnemite - New Mauville
  • Magneton - New Mauville
  • Voltorb - New Mauville
  • Electrode - New Mauville and Team Magma Hideout
  • Chinchou - Route 124 and Route 126
  • Mareep - Altering Cave and Safari Zone
  • Electrike - Route 110 and Route 118
  • Manectric - Route 118
  • Plusle - Route 110 and Fortree City
  • Minun - Route 110

11 Poison Pokémon encounters

  • Zubat - Granite Cave, Altering Cave, Meteor Falls, Shoal Cave, Seafloor Cavern, Cave of Origin and Victory Road
  • Golbat - Meteor Falls, Shoal Cave, Seafloor Cavern, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar and Victory Road
  • Oddish - Route 110, Route 117, Route 119, Route 120, Route 121, Safari Zone and Route 123
  • Gloom - Route 121, Safari Zone and Route 123
  • Tentacool - Route 103, Route 105, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Slateport City, Route 110, Route 115, Route 118, Route 119, Route 121, Route 122, Route 123, Lilycove City, Route 124, Mossdeep City, Route 125, Shoal Cave, Route 127, Route 128, Seafloor Cavern, Route 126, Sootopolis City, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 108, Abandoned Ship, Route 109, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134 and Ever Grande City
  • Tentacruel - Abandoned Ship
  • Grimer - Fiery Path
  • Koffing - Fiery Path
  • Spinarak - Safari Zone
  • Gulpin - Route 110
  • Seviper - Route 114

13 Grass Pokémon encounters

  • Oddish - Route 110, Route 117, Route 119, Route 120, Route 121, Safari Zone and Route 123
  • Gloom - Route 121, Safari Zone and Route 123
  • Chikorita - Littleroot Town
  • Sunkern - Safari Zone
  • Treecko - Starter
  • Lotad - Route 102 and Route 114
  • Lombre - Route 114
  • Seedot - Route 102, Rustboro City, Route 117 and Route 120
  • Nuzleaf - Route 114
  • Shroomish - Petalburg Woods
  • Cacnea - Route 111
  • Lileep - Rustboro City
  • Tropius - Route 119

13 Psychic Pokémon encounters

  • Abra - Route 116 and Granite Cave
  • Natu - Safari Zone
  • Xatu - Safari Zone
  • Wynaut - Lavaridge Town and Mirage Island
  • Wobbuffet - Safari Zone
  • Girafarig - Safari Zone
  • Ralts - Route 102
  • Spoink - Jagged Pass
  • Solrock - Meteor Falls
  • Baltoy - Route 111
  • Claydol - Sky Pillar
  • Chimecho - Mt. Pyre
  • Beldum - Mossdeep City

13 Rock Pokémon encounters

  • Geodude - Granite Cave, Route 114, Route 111, Safari Zone, Team Magma Hideout and Victory Road
  • Graveler - Team Magma Hideout and Victory Road
  • Rhyhorn - Safari Zone
  • Shuckle - Altering Cave and Safari Zone
  • Corsola - Route 128 and Ever Grande City
  • Nosepass - Granite Cave
  • Aron - Granite Cave and Victory Road
  • Lairon - Victory Road
  • Solrock - Meteor Falls
  • Lileep - Rustboro City
  • Anorith - Rustboro City
  • Relicanth - Route 124 and Route 126
  • Regirock - Route 111

13 Bug Pokémon encounters

  • Pinsir - Safari Zone
  • Ledyba - Safari Zone
  • Spinarak - Safari Zone
  • Pineco - Altering Cave and Safari Zone
  • Shuckle - Altering Cave and Safari Zone
  • Heracross - Safari Zone
  • Wurmple - Route 101, Route 102, Route 104 and Petalburg Woods
  • Silcoon - Petalburg Woods
  • Cascoon - Petalburg Woods
  • Nincada - Route 116
  • Volbeat - Route 117
  • Illumise - Route 117
  • Anorith - Rustboro City

16 Ground Pokémon encounters

  • Sandshrew - Route 111 and Mirage Tower
  • Geodude - Granite Cave, Route 114, Route 111, Safari Zone, Team Magma Hideout and Victory Road
  • Graveler - Team Magma Hideout and Victory Road
  • Rhyhorn - Safari Zone
  • Wooper - Safari Zone
  • Quagsire - Safari Zone
  • Gligar - Safari Zone
  • Phanpy - Safari Zone
  • Nincada - Route 116
  • Numel - Route 112, Jagged Pass and Fiery Path
  • Trapinch - Route 111 and Mirage Tower
  • Barboach - Route 114, Meteor Falls, Route 111, Route 120 and Victory Road
  • Whiscash - Meteor Falls and Victory Road
  • Baltoy - Route 111
  • Claydol - Sky Pillar
  • Groudon - Cave of Origin

19 Flying Pokémon encounters

  • Zubat - Granite Cave, Altering Cave, Meteor Falls, Shoal Cave, Seafloor Cavern, Cave of Origin and Victory Road
  • Golbat - Meteor Falls, Shoal Cave, Seafloor Cavern, Cave of Origin, Sky Pillar and Victory Road
  • Doduo - Safari Zone
  • Dodrio - Safari Zone
  • Gyarados - Sootopolis City
  • Hoothoot - Safari Zone
  • Ledyba - Safari Zone
  • Natu - Safari Zone
  • Xatu - Safari Zone
  • Gligar - Safari Zone
  • Skarmory - Route 113
  • Taillow - Route 104, Petalburg Woods, Route 116 and Route 115
  • Swellow - Route 115
  • Wingull - Route 103, Route 104, Route 105, Route 106, Route 107, Slateport City, Route 110, Route 115, Route 118, Route 119, Route 121, Route 122, Mt. Pyre, Route 123, Lilycove City, Route 124, Mossdeep City, Route 125, Route 127, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 108, Route 109, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134 and Ever Grande City
  • Pelipper - Route 103, Route 104, Route 105, Route 106, Route 107, Slateport City, Route 110, Route 115, Route 118, Route 119, Route 121, Route 122, Route 123, Lilycove City, Route 124, Mossdeep City, Route 125, Route 127, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 108, Route 109, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134 and Ever Grande City
  • Swablu - Route 114 and Route 115
  • Altaria - Sky Pillar
  • Tropius - Route 119
  • Rayquaza - Sky Pillar

24 Normal Pokémon encounters

  • Jigglypuff - Route 115
  • Doduo - Safari Zone
  • Dodrio - Safari Zone
  • Ditto - Desert Underpass
  • Hoothoot - Safari Zone
  • Aipom - Altering Cave and Safari Zone
  • Girafarig - Safari Zone
  • Snubbull - Safari Zone
  • Teddiursa - Altering Cave and Safari Zone
  • Stantler - Altering Cave and Safari Zone
  • Smeargle - Altering Cave and Artisan Cave
  • Miltank - Safari Zone
  • Zigzagoon - Route 101, Route 103, Route 102, Route 118 and Route 119
  • Linoone - Route 118 and Route 119
  • Taillow - Route 104, Petalburg Woods, Route 116 and Route 115
  • Swellow - Route 115
  • Slakoth - Petalburg Woods
  • Whismur - Route 116, Rusturf Tunnel, Desert Underpass and Victory Road
  • Loudred - Desert Underpass and Victory Road
  • Skitty - Route 116 and Fortree City
  • Spinda - Route 113
  • Swablu - Route 114 and Route 115
  • Castform - Route 119
  • Kecleon - Route 118, Route 119, Route 120, Route 121 and Route 123

36 Water Pokémon encounters

  • Psyduck - Safari Zone
  • Golduck - Safari Zone
  • Tentacool - Route 103, Route 105, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Slateport City, Route 110, Route 115, Route 118, Route 119, Route 121, Route 122, Route 123, Lilycove City, Route 124, Mossdeep City, Route 125, Shoal Cave, Route 127, Route 128, Seafloor Cavern, Route 126, Sootopolis City, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 108, Abandoned Ship, Route 109, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134 and Ever Grande City
  • Tentacruel - Abandoned Ship
  • Horsea - Pacifidlog Town, Route 132, Route 133 and Route 134
  • Goldeen - Route 102, Petalburg City, Route 117, Route 114, Meteor Falls, Route 111, Route 118, Route 119, Route 120, Safari Zone and Victory Road
  • Seaking - Safari Zone
  • Staryu - Lilycove City
  • Magikarp - Route 103, Route 102, Petalburg City, Route 104, Route 105, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Slateport City, Route 110, Route 117, Route 114, Meteor Falls, Route 115, Route 111, Route 118, Route 119, Route 120, Route 121, Safari Zone, Route 122, Route 123, Lilycove City, Route 124, Mossdeep City, Route 125, Shoal Cave, Route 127, Route 128, Seafloor Cavern, Route 126, Sootopolis City, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 108, Abandoned Ship, Route 109, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134, Ever Grande City and Victory Road
  • Gyarados - Sootopolis City
  • Totodile - Littleroot Town
  • Chinchou - Route 124 and Route 126
  • Marill - Route 102, Petalburg City, Route 104, Route 117, Route 112, Route 114, Route 111, Route 120 and Safari Zone
  • Wooper - Safari Zone
  • Quagsire - Safari Zone
  • Corsola - Route 128 and Ever Grande City
  • Remoraid - Safari Zone
  • Octillery - Safari Zone
  • Mudkip - Starter
  • Lotad - Route 102 and Route 114
  • Lombre - Route 114
  • Wingull - Route 103, Route 104, Route 105, Route 106, Route 107, Slateport City, Route 110, Route 115, Route 118, Route 119, Route 121, Route 122, Mt. Pyre, Route 123, Lilycove City, Route 124, Mossdeep City, Route 125, Route 127, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 108, Route 109, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134 and Ever Grande City
  • Pelipper - Route 103, Route 104, Route 105, Route 106, Route 107, Slateport City, Route 110, Route 115, Route 118, Route 119, Route 121, Route 122, Route 123, Lilycove City, Route 124, Mossdeep City, Route 125, Route 127, Route 128, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 108, Route 109, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134 and Ever Grande City
  • Carvanha - Route 118 and Route 119
  • Sharpedo - Route 103, Route 118, Route 122, Route 124, Mossdeep City, Route 125, Route 127, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 132, Route 133 and Route 134
  • Wailmer - Route 103, Route 105, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Slateport City, Route 110, Route 115, Route 121, Route 122, Route 123, Lilycove City, Route 124, Mossdeep City, Route 125, Shoal Cave, Route 127, Route 128, Seafloor Cavern, Route 126, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 108, Route 109, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134 and Ever Grande City
  • Wailord - Route 129
  • Barboach - Route 114, Meteor Falls, Route 111, Route 120 and Victory Road
  • Whiscash - Meteor Falls and Victory Road
  • Corphish - Route 102, Petalburg City and Route 117
  • Feebas - Route 119
  • Spheal - Shoal Cave
  • Clamperl - Route 124 and Route 126
  • Relicanth - Route 124 and Route 126
  • Luvdisc - Route 128 and Ever Grande City
  • Kyogre - Cave of Origin

3Dragon Pokémon


3Ice Pokémon


4Fighting Pokémon


4Ghost Pokémon


7Fire Pokémon


8Steel Pokémon


8Dark Pokémon


11Electric Pokémon


11Poison Pokémon


13Grass Pokémon


13Psychic Pokémon


13Rock Pokémon


13Bug Pokémon


16Ground Pokémon


19Flying Pokémon


24Normal Pokémon


36Water Pokémon


Emerald Boss Battles

In order to complete a Emerald Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 29 Boss battles throughout the Hoenn region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four.

These can be a challenge, especially when your dear nicknamed nuzlocke mons are at risk. So below we've listed detailed overviews of all these fights! Giving you all the information you'll need to face everything from May's Mudkip to Drake's Salamence.

8 Gym Leader fights

5 Elite Four fights

8 Rival fights

8 Evil Team fights

Select your starter type

Like all Pokémon games, you will have to select a starter. The type will update some of the boss teams to match. For example, if your starter was a grass type May might have a fire type to take advantage!

Gym Leader fights

  • - Rustboro Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Dewford Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Mauville City Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Lavaridge Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Petalburg Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Fortree City Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Mossdeep City Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Sootopolis Gym

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

Elite Four fights

  • - Pokémon League

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Pokémon League

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Pokémon League

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Pokémon League

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Pokémon League Champion

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

Rival fights

  • - Route 103

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Rustboro City

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Route 110

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Mauville City

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Weather Institute

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Lilycove City

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Victory Road

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Meteor Falls Champion

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

Evil Team fights

  • - Mt. Chimney

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Weather Institute

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Team Magma Hideout

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Team Magma Hideout

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Team Aqua Hideout

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Mossdeep Space Center

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Seafloor Cavern

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

  • - Seafloor Cavern

    has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

Now that you're ready to take on the Pokémon Emerald Nuzlocke Challenge, why not keep track of all your encounters with the Nuzlocke Tracker?

Nuzlocke Tracker | Pokémon Emerald Nuzlocke Guide (2024)
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Article information

Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.